Friday, January 28, 2011

oh how He loves...

I don't know exactly what I've been placed on this planet to do, but I know that I was born to worship. What an incredible and mysterious privilege. In song, I empty myself before the throne of God, pouring out everything from the very depths of my soul. I sing of His greatness, His power, His protection, and His love. I sing songs of gratitude, of affirmation, of joy and awe. I reach my hands into the air - stretching toward heaven in a dance with my Abba. All the while, I'm praying in my Spirit, "Lord, nothing matters but You. I give you everything. Everything."

The music swirls and my heart lurches inside of me, because I'm being swept into a place where my earthly body was never meant to travel. I'm caught in the wonder-flow of Heaven itself, proclaiming with the angels the glory of God. Abba draws near to me, whispering in my ear even as I sing out loud. He smiles at me and reminds me how very much He loves me. My pulse quickens in delight, and I reach all the further into that thin space where Heaven meets Earth.

I was created to worship and sing. It's the greatest romance of my existence. Expressing my adoration opens my ears to hear Him loving me right back. I await the day when I will stand in the presence of my God - face to face for eternity. The things of Earth fade into oblivion as my perspective shifts.

I'm captivated by you, God. Words are not enough. I'm filled to overflowing by the gracious, crazy love of God.

What a privilege it is to WORSHIP Him.

Christmas Eve service at Lifegate Church

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